Voluntary Disclosures to HMRC

Voluntary Disclosures to HMRC

A voluntary disclosure may be necessary for a number of reasons – these could range from an unintentional omission on a tax return to the most serious deliberate non-disclosure of a taxable event. 

Are you having sleepless nights due to underdeclared income and the fear of being caught?

If you would like to explore your options for making a voluntary disclosure to HMRC but not get into any trouble, call one of our disclosure specialists for a no obligation consultation. 

A voluntary disclosure may be necessary for a number of reasons – these could range from an unintentional omission on a tax return to the most serious deliberate non-disclosure of a taxable event. Whatever the reason, we are here to assess your circumstances and help.

One of the main benefits of a voluntary disclosure is the fact that HMRC will look more favourably on taxpayers who make a voluntary disclosure than those who are prompted to disclose during an investigation or, in the worst cases, are reluctant to disclose despite the fact that HMRC hold evidence of underassessment.

Is voluntary disclosure really necessary? 

Before we agree that voluntary disclosure is the best course of action, we would require a confidential and transparent discussion with you about your specific circumstances so that we can develop the most viable strategy. We will then take care of all communication with HMRC and keep you fully informed at each stage of the process guiding you all the way to the closure of your case.

You can rest assured that we will try and negotiate with HMRC the best outcome for you and resolve your tax situation as promptly and effectively as possible. Where necessary, we can negotiate a payment plan for you.

If you have underdeclared income and you worry that you may get caught, contact us today for a no obligation consultation.

Contact us today

We can help you deal with any tax investigation through expert advice and specialist representation. Our team deals with matters ranging from individual tax disputes to large and complex multiple client cases. 

  • Formal and Informal Notices
  • Compliance Checks
  • Penalty Notices
  • Discovery Assessments
  • Voluntary Disclosures to HMRC
  • Accelerated Payment Notices (APNs)
  • Code of Practice 8 – CoP 8 Investigations
  • Code of Practice 9 – CoP 9 Investigations
  • Contractor Loan Schemes and the Loan Charge
  • DOTAS/POTAS Inquiries
  • PAYE Tax Investigations 

  • Corporation Tax Investigations
  • IR35 Disputes
  • VAT Investigations and Inspections
  • HMRC Unannounced Inspections and Visits
  • Settlements with HMRC
  • Time to Pay Arrangements
  • Statutory Reviews
  • Forensic Tax Advice
  • Tax Litigation Advice
  • Corporate Advisory
  • Private Client Advisory

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